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  • 主配置文件config/elegant-utils/admin.php
  • 启动配置文件app/Admin/bootstrap.php



return [
    | The name of admin application
    | This value is the name of admin application, This setting is displayed on the
    | login page.
    'name' => 'Laravel-Admin',

    | Logo setting of admin application
    'logo' => [
        'image' => '/vendor/laravel-admin/img/AdminLTELogo.png',

        'text' => '<span class="font-weight-bolder">Laravel-Admin</span>',

    | Footer setting of admin application
    'footer' => [
        'left' => '<strong>Powered by <a href="" target="_blank">laravel-admin</a></strong>',

        'right' => '<div class="float-right d-none d-sm-block"><strong>Env</strong> ' . config('app.env') . '</div>',

    | Laravel-admin bootstrap setting
    | This value is the path of laravel-admin bootstrap file.
    'bootstrap' => app_path('Admin/bootstrap.php'),

    | Laravel-admin route settings
    | The routing configuration of the admin page, including the path prefix,
    | the controller namespace, and the default middleware. If you want to
    | access through the root path, just set the prefix to empty string.
    'route' => [
        'namespace' => 'App\\Admin\\Controllers',

        'middleware' => ['web', 'auth', 'admin'],

    | Laravel-admin install directory
    | The installation directory of the controller and routing configuration
    | files of the administration page. The default is `app/Admin`, which must
    | be set before running `artisan admin::install` to take effect.
    'directory' => app_path('Admin'),

    | Laravel-admin html title
    | Html title for all pages.
    'title' => env('APP_NAME', 'Admin'),

    | Access via `https`
    | If your page is going to be accessed via https, set it to `true`.
    'https' => env('ADMIN_HTTPS', false),

    | Laravel-admin auth setting
    | Authentication settings for all admin pages. Include an authentication
    | guard and a user provider setting of authentication driver.
    | You can specify a controller for `login` `logout` and other auth routes.
    'auth' => [
        'providers' => [
            'users' => [
                'model'  => env('AUTH_MODEL', App\Models\AuthUser::class),

        // Add "remember me" to login form
        'remember' => true,

    | Single device login / 单设备登录
    | Invalidating and "logging out" a user's sessions that are active on other
    | devices without invalidating the session on their current device.
    'single_device_login' => false,

    | Laravel-admin upload setting
    | File system configuration for form upload files and images, including
    | disk and upload path.
    'upload' => [

        // Disk in `config/filesystem.php`.
        'disk' => 'public',

        // Image and file upload path under the disk above.
        'directory' => [
            'image' => 'images',
            'file'  => 'files',

    | Laravel-admin database settings
    | Here are database settings for laravel-admin builtin model & tables.
    'database' => [

        // Database connection for following tables.
        'connection' => '',

        // authenticate users tables and model.
        'user_table' => 'auth_users',
        'user_model' => App\Models\AuthUser::class,

        // authenticate menu table and model.
        'menu_table' => 'auth_menus',
        'menu_model' => App\Models\AuthMenu::class,

    | User default avatar
    | Set a default avatar for newly created users.
    'default_avatar' => '/vendor/laravel-admin/img/user2-160x160.jpg',

    | Application theme
    | @see
    'theme' => [
        | Available layout options.
        | Fixed Sidebar: use the class `.layout-fixed` to get a fixed sidebar.
        | Fixed Navbar: use the class `.layout-navbar-fixed` to get a fixed navbar.
        | Fixed Footer: use the class `.layout-footer-fixed` to get a fixed footer.
        | Collapsed Sidebar: use the class `.sidebar-collapse` to have a collapsed sidebar upon loading.
        | Boxed Layout: use the class `.layout-boxed` to get a boxed layout that stretches only to 1250px.
        | Top Navigation: use the class `.layout-top-nav` to remove the sidebar and have your links at the top navbar.
        'layout' => ['sidebar-mini', 'layout-navbar-fixed', 'layout-fixed', 'text-sm'],

        | Default color for a, card, form and buttons.
        | Available options: primary secondary secondary info warning danger
        'color' => 'info',

    | Login page background image
    | This value is used to set the background image of login page.
    'login_background_image' => '',

    | Show version at footer
    | Whether to display the version number of laravel-admin at the footer of
    | each page
    'show_version' => true,

    | Show environment at footer
    | Whether to display the environment at the footer of each page
    'show_environment' => true,

    | Enable default breadcrumb
    | Whether enable default breadcrumb for every page content.
    'enable_default_breadcrumb' => true,

    | Enable/Disable assets minify
    'minify_assets' => [

        // Assets will not be minified.
        'excepts' => [



    | Alert message that will displayed on top of the page.
    'top_alert' => '',

    | The global Table action display class.
    'table_action_class' => \Elegant\Utils\Table\Displayers\DropdownActions::class,

    | Extension Directory
    | When you use command `php artisan admin:extend` to generate extensions,
    | the extension files will be generated in this directory.
    'extension_dir' => app_path('Admin/Extensions'),

    | Settings for extensions.
    | You can find all available extensions here
    'extensions' => [





 * Laravel-admin - admin builder based on Laravel.
 * Bootstraper for Admin.
 * Here you can remove builtin form field:
 * Elegant\Utils\Form::forget(['map', 'editor']);
 * Or extend custom form field:
 * Elegant\Utils\Form::extend('php', PHPEditor::class);
 * Or require js and css assets:
 * Admin::css('/packages/prettydocs/css/styles.css');
 * Admin::js('/packages/prettydocs/js/main.js');

Elegant\Utils\Form::forget(['map', 'editor']);