Form validation ¶
uses Laravel
's validation rules to verify the data submitted by the form:
// Complex validation rules can be implemented in the callback
$form->text('title')->rules(function ($form) {
// If it is not an edit state, add field unique verification
if (!$id = $form->model()->id) {
return 'unique:users,email_address';
You can also customize the error message for the validation rule:
$form->text('code')->rules('required|regex:/^\d+$/|min:10', [
'regex' => 'code must be numbers',
'min' => 'code can not be less than 10 characters',
If you want to allow the field to be empty, first in the database table to face the field set to NULL
, and then
Please refer to the more rules Validation.
Create page rules ¶
Only effective when creating a form submission
Update page rules ¶
Only effective when the update form is submitted
Database unique check ¶
A more common scenario is to submit a form to check if the data already exists. You can use the following method:
->creationRules(['required', "unique:user_table"])
->updateRules(['required', "unique:user_table,username,{{id}}"]);