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Custom tools

model-grid has batch delete and refresh operations tools as default, model-grid provides custom tool functionality if there are more operational requirements, the following example will show you how to add a Gender selector button group tool.

First define the tool class app/Admin/Extensions/Tools/UserGender.php


namespace App\Admin\Extensions\Tools;

use Encore\Admin\Admin;
use Encore\Admin\Grid\Tools\AbstractTool;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Request;

class UserGender extends AbstractTool
    protected function script()
        $url = Request::fullUrlWithQuery(['gender' => '_gender_']);

        return <<<EOT

$('input:radio.user-gender').change(function () {

    var url = "$url".replace('_gender_', $(this).val());

    $.pjax({container:'#pjax-container', url: url });



    public function render()

        $options = [
            'all'   => 'All',
            'm'     => 'Male',
            'f'     => 'Female',

        return view('', compact('options'));

The blade file of view is resources/views/admin/tools/gender.blade.php:

<div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons">
    @foreach($options as $option => $label)
    <label class="btn btn-default btn-sm {{ \Request::get('gender', 'all') == $option ? 'active' : '' }}">
        <input type="radio" class="user-gender" value="{{ $option }}">{{$label}}

Import this tool in model-grid

$grid->tools(function ($tools) {
    $tools->append(new UserGender());

In the model-grid, pass gender query to model:

if (in_array(Request::get('gender'), ['m', 'f'])) {
    $grid->model()->where('gender', Request::get('gender'));

You can refer to the above way to add your own tools.

Batch operation

At present, the default implementation of the batch delete operation, if you want to turn off the batch delete operation:

$grid->tools(function ($tools) {
    $tools->batch(function ($batch) {

If you want to add a custom batch operation, you can refer to the following example.

The following example will show you how to implements a post batch release operation:

First define the tool class app/Admin/Extensions/Tools/ReleasePost.php


namespace App\Admin\Extensions\Tools;

use Encore\Admin\Grid\Tools\BatchAction;

class ReleasePost extends BatchAction
    protected $action;

    public function __construct($action = 1)
        $this->action = $action;

    public function script()
        return <<<EOT

$('{$this->getElementClass()}').on('click', function() {

        method: 'post',
        url: '{$this->resource}/release',
        data: {
            ids: selectedRows(),
            action: {$this->action}
        success: function () {



See the code above, use ajax to pass the selected ids to back-end api through a POST request, the back-end api modifies the state of the corresponding data according to the received ids, and then front-end refresh the page (pjax reload), and pop-up a toastr prompt operation is successful.

Import this operation in model-grid

$grid->tools(function ($tools) {
    $tools->batch(function ($batch) {
        $batch->add('Release post', new ReleasePost(1));
        $batch->add('Unrelease post', new ReleasePost(0));

So that the batch operation of the drop-down button will add the following two operations, the final step is to add an api to handle the request of the batch operation, the api code is as follows:

class PostController extends Controller

    public function release(Request $request)
        foreach (Post::find($request->get('ids')) as $post) {
            $post->released = $request->get('action');


Then add a route for the api above:

$router->post('posts/release', 'PostController@release');

This completes the entire process.